
Showing posts from March, 2013

He's from Rochester?: Robert Downey, Jr.

No, he's not. But Downey was here as a 17 year old at Geva , during the 1982-83 season in Alms for the Middle Class . I'm pretty sure he hasn't been here since.

Where Did Bluenose Come From, Anyway?

Bluenoser is now in the Oxford dictionary , and in this article Bill Davey is quoted providing   the usual etymology:  One referred to the early Nova Scotian sailors who would be out in the cold weather and supposedly their nose would get cold and turn blue and the other one refers to the early settlers who would eat a  lot of blue potatoes and herring.  But could the the term have a more religious bent? I looked up  bluenose in a couple of American dictionaries; both the American Heritage Dictionary  and Webster's define it as a person who is particularly puritanical, who sticks to a strict moral code. Is it possible that we Nova Scotians were known less for our seafaring toughness than for our self-righteous prudery? Yet another Canadian nickname mystery.

Stompin' Tom Connors is Dead

With humor and a trademark East Coast drawl, Stompin' Tom Connors , like no other, mythologized Canadian life. He was born in New Brunswick and raised in Prince Edward Island; his first "hit" (as the Globe and Mail put it) was an ode to a PEI's most famous export: Years later, he wrote a song about a couple from Newfoundland that dumped a truck load of shit in the middle of Toronto (something any good Atlantic Canadian dreams of doing): There were so many more songs, over so many years; he covered everything from a night out in northern Ontario  to KD Lang . A farewell note from Stompin' Tom is on the homepage of his website .