John Lennon's "Happy Christmas": Entirely Appropriate Christmas Music

Somewhere there are photos of me, decked out in wire-rimmed hippie glasses, sitting at a piano and playing "Imagine" with my junior-high rock band at a school talent contest.

As a kid, I was a bit of a John Lennon fan--needless to say--and it was great to see Open Culture post, among other things, Lennon and Yoko Ono's Dick Cavett Show interview as a tribute on this anniversary of the Beatle's death.

I've already shown you some Christmas music that's just so wrong, but today it's worth mentioning John Lennon's "Happy Christmas (War is Over)" as music that's pretty well the best there is, at least of the last 40 years of so. There are tons of homemade videos of the song on YouTube; here's one:

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