Orchestra Watch: A Little Good News; Mostly Bad News

A round-up of posts about orchestras' labor-and-management problems, from the bloggers who've been following the situation:

Adaptistration (Drew McManus):
Someone at the National Symphony has been bragging about its nice new contract; Indiana Symphony management has defended itself with a lengthy press statement, and the San Antonio musicians have filed a lawsuit claiming that their orchestra's management refuses to talk.

Slipped Disc (Norman LeBrecht):
LeBrecht calls for new blood in orchestral leadership; lists the orchestras that we know won't be starting their seasons on time.

One of the orchestras LeBrecht targets is Minnesota; Pioneer Press reports on both the proposed cuts to that band's salaries and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra's as well. Buffalo News's Mary Kunz Goldman responds, is thankful for her hometown orchestra.

Deceptive Cadence (Tom Huizenga):
Huizenga highlights recordings he likes from the Atlanta Symphony, to hold us over while the musicians are locked out.

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